Saturday, December 26, 2009

wow. what a Year.

So, it's been awhile since I've posted anything. A LOOOOONG while. And there has been semi-good reason for it.

First and probably most important, they did the unthinkable.

I blogged for DAYS about TPTB not killing off Elizabeth Mitchell's character on Lost, and what did they do on the season finale? They dropped her down a 60 ft. well, then, when she actually "survived" the fall, she blew up a hydrogen bomb with a rock. Yeah, that's right. I said it. They wrote it. She fell 60 feet onto broken metal and the ground, survived, only to blow herself up with a hydrogen bomb. I'm going to let you sit there for a minute and let that all sink in...



Ok, you done? I was beyond pissed. I was cussing, and screaming, and crying, and cussing somemore that I couldn't even believe it. And yes, I get VERY attached to my characters and TV shows. Don't judge.

Anyways, Elizabeth Mitchell is supposedly going to still be in season 6 (the final season) but only for a couple episodes. I'm still pissed, and if she's only in the first three episodes of the season, then I'll probably only watch the first three episodes of Lost this season. Still. Mad.

On a better note for Elizabeth Mitchell...

Elizabeth is staring in a new show on abc called V. It's a take-off/remake of the original V series. I probably wouldn't have started watching had a Elizabeth Mitchell not been in it, but it's actually really good, and not just because Elizabeth is in it. It's kind of exciting and interesting. These aliens are trying to take over the planet but they look just like humans so you can't tell whose good and whose bad. Plus, there are some "v's" who are good and are trying to help the humans fight the bad v's. It sounds corny and lame, but it's actually pretty good. They only showed 4 episodes during the Fall but they're resuming it again in February. Looking forward to it.

Joblessness and such.

Last time I blogged I had a job. Now, I don't. Well, I do, but it's seasonal and ends in a week. I worked on a reality show over the summer and that was a lot of fun, but haven't really done any production stuff since. I did work the Falcons game as a parab operator, which was REALLY cool, but other than that still looking for stuff. The Falcons game was my first NFL I attended and the first time I had been to the Georgia Dome. It was an awesome experience. PLUS, I got tackled by one of the players and it was caught on national television. My 15 minutes of fame.

Grey's Anatomy and all it's glory.

Grey's Anatomy is my newest renewed addiction. I've always been a Grey's fan, but the past two seasons have taken it to a whole nother level. Yes, I said nother. They have introduced one of the greatest television couples of all time. Callie and Arizona, better known as by fans as Calzona. Yes, they are a lesbian couple. And yes, they are fantastic. There really aren't words to describe my love for this couple. There probably are words, but I don't know them and probably wouldn't be able to spell them anyways. This show, and particularly this couple, have changed my life. They gave me something to look forward to every week when I had absolutely nothing. I'm not sure what I would have done without Grey's coming on every Thursday. The last episode aired the week before Thanksgiving, and it wasn't even a very good one, so I've been watching reruns to try to get me to January 14th, when Grey's and Calzona, returns. Still counting the days...

Doing my own thing.

In my free time, which has been a lot more than I like seeing as how I have no real job, has been spent writing. I'm writing my first original screenplay. I really like it a lot, but at the current moment it's waaaaaay too long for a screenplay, so I'm thinking of making it into a book. I'm not really a book writer though. I don't even like books. I'd much rather watch a movie than read a book, but maybe that will change. Who knows.

And everything else...

Other than that, life hasn't been much. Seen some good movies, including Avatar in 3-D, by James Cameron. He's one of my favorite directors ever, at least in this generation. Alfred Hitchcock being the other one. One of my all time favorite movies is The Abyss, also by Cameron, and then he went and made this movie and it's just... magical. No other words really.

But I've felt I've neglected this blog, not that anybody reads it or anything, so I felt the need to come back. Maybe writing this will help.

To the new year.

Here's to 2010 being better than 2009.

Until tomorrow,

ps - tomorrow, I talk about my life changing cross-country road trip. excited.