Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i really need to do this more Often

So, once again, I've been slacking on my blogger duties. It's a good thing no one really reads them, or I would feel bad. I've actually just been really busy lately. The past two weeks I've been helping friends with their student projects at school. And by student projects I mean, 5-10 min short films. Don't underestimate the power of a student project. Anyways, I've been doing that so that's kept me kinda busy, and when I wasn't doing that, I was at work. I hate work. But I only got 2 months left before I have to leave and find something else. woopee.

Dell computers and the shitty virus software that comes with them.

I've had my tell just under 3 years now, and I've had a total of 4 viruses since. WTF, Dell? Or should I say, WTF, McAfee? McAfee Virus protection can shove it! It hasn't protected me once against these viruses and it sucks. Four times I've had to reset my computer to factory settings which means losing all my files. Luckily the last two times, I've had most, not all, of my files backed up somewhere. It still really sucks though even if you do have the files backed up. What a pain in the ass. WTF, Dell and McAfee?! WTF?

Prison Break misfortune...

So, as excited as I was about Prison Break returning I have yet to actually get to sit down and watch an episode. Who's pissed? I am. For the first episode, I was at work and had to watch it with these two really, really, annoying people who wouldn't shut the F*** up! It was so annoying! And to top it off they didn't speak very good english so they kept repeating things over and over again. I can't even describe how annoying it was. So, needless-to-say, I didn't actually get to watch it. I also thought the episode started at 8pm, but it actually started at 9pm. So I naturally assumed that the second episode would start at 9pm, but no, it started at 8pm, so I missed it that one too. I'm still a little bitter about the whole situation.


Lost was a "special episode" last week, which just means it was a recap of everything we already knew. Boring. It also means, we didn't get to see Elizabeth Mitchell again. Extremely boring. But, this week's episode is the 100th episode of the series and I am guarenteed to see Elizabeth in this episode. I'm so excited. I saw a clip with her and Saywer, and they were kind of arguing so I'm a little nervous, but I think I should be okay. Also, they keep saying that the major character that's going to die is a "majorly major" character. Now, as far as I'm concerned, Juliet is not that major of a character. I mean, she only joined in season 3, and people still don't like/trust her, so for some reason I just don't think she's "major" enough to be the one killed off. Or at least not the only one. And I did already find out who one of the people was that's going to be killed off, and if that's the only person then, I wouldn't be upset. But for some reason, I don't think they will be the only one...

Table for 12 is better than Jon and Kate: Plus 8

Table for 12 is TLC's new big family reality show, and it is so good. I can't even watch Jon and Kate anymore because of it. The parents are so much cooler than Jon and Kate, well at least Kate. I hate Kate Gosselin. I always have, she was the number one reason for me not liking the show. I still watched it, but it was so hard because I just could not stand Kate. But now, I can't even watch it anymore period. After seeing how Betty and Eric Hayes treat each other, and their children, I have so much more respect for them than the Gosselins. The Gosselin kids are still cute, except for Mady, but I feel like the way they grew up, on camera, is making them spoiled and bratty. Maybe that's just me though. But I'm definitely all for the Hayes family, all 12 of them!


A crush can be the most excruciating pain in the world. When you have that crush, and you know nothing is going to happen but you have no choice but to hang around that person, it sucks. It sucks big. Why must we be tortured so?

Until tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2009

prison break is coming back and More!

I'm so excited to see Prison Break coming back to television. The only downside is it will only be back for 5 episodes before they take it off the air for good. Prison Break started out as a really good show. It was fresh, and new, and hadn't really been done in the same way before. The problem was, you can only try to break out of a prison for so long before you 1) fail, or 2) break out. And once you break out, like they did in the show, then what do you do? I think the writers soon figured out they had a huge problem on their hands once their main characters broke out of the first prison. Yes, they've broken out of more than one. That's how desperate they got. But, I personally didn't mind the writers block. The new twists and stories added a little something to the show and allowed for new characters to be introduced and for old ones, that we didn't like, to go away. One of my favorite new characters that was introduced last season was Sofia Lugo, played by Danay Garcia. They didn't really give her character much to do, but she was smokin' hot. I mean one-of-the-most-beautiful-people-I've-ever-seen, hot. What really pissed me off during this current, and final, season was the way they just eliminated Danay's character. They acted like she never even existed. No name mention, no cameo, nothing. And that more than anything pisses me off, in any show or movie, no matter what. I'm a huge sucker for storylines. I get very, very involved with my stories and with my characters, so to just take out a character without any sort of closure is by far my #1 pet peeve in tv and movies. That and killing off main characters, especially females. But, from what I hear, they are bringing Sofia back for the final episodes, and as long as they don't kill her off, I am BEYOND happy! I can't wait!! Prison Break, Friday on FOX, 8pm.


Elizabeth Mitchell, Juliet, wasn't in this past week's episode of Lost. The entire episode focused on Ben. I don't personally feel like we learned anything new, but it was still an okay episode. Next week though, Juliet, and the rest of the characters, do return, and I have a feeling we might see on of them in a body bag. My guess is Daniel, so I won't be too terribly upset, but the episode focuses on Miles and his ability to talk to the dead. Should be interesting.

How bout them Braves!

The Atlanta Braves are 5-1 to start the season, which is really, really good for them. The starting pitching has been outstanding, and the bats have been great, too. The Braves hit a home run in the first inning of their first three games to start the season. The team would have been 6-0 if it hadn't been for their sorry bullpen that blew a 7 run lead. It really was one of the most depressing things I've even seen in baseball. But, the Braves moved on and ended up sweeping the Washington Nationals at home. Can't wait for the rest of the season and it's only just begun!

Slumdog Millionaire

I bought Slumdog Millionaire last week. Watch it. Buy it. Love it.
That's all I really have to say.

Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

georgia weather Sucks

The weather in Georgia is absolutely ridiculous. I mean really. On Monday it can be 75 degrees and sunny, and then on Tuesday it will be snowing. Seriously. I don't even have the luxury of making that up. It really happens that way. It's horrible. Georgia has the worst weather ever. It never knows what season it wants to be. One you're sunbathing, the next you're pulling out your winter coat. And what sucks even more is the constant thermostat changing. Does Georgia weather realize how expensive it is to keep turning the heat on and off? I'll tell it. Hella expensive! Wtf, Georgia. WTF?


ER ended its 15 year run on NBC last week. It was bittersweet. And in my own opinion it was about 8 years too late. ER was one of my favorite shows of all time back in the day. I was a religious watcher. Never, EVER, missed an episode. And if I did, I cried. I was that in to it. I loved it. I started watching somewhere in the middle of the first season. One of the episodes I first remember watching live was "Love's Labor Lost," where Mark Greene misdiagnosed a pregnant woman, who ended up dying after giving birth to her first child. It was such a powerful episode.

ER was my first real introduction to George Clooney. I remember thinking, "who is THAT?!" He was the finest man I think I had ever seen, and still probably holds true to this day. I fell in love with George that day. I remember watching the episode "Hell and High Water" during the second season. Clooney's character, Doug Ross, was about to be fired from his job when he ends up saving this boy from a storm drain. It was such an amazing episode. I remember holding my breath and everything. It was so good. And I'm pretty sure that was the first episode of the series where they went outside the hospital for an episode. It was just so good. Clooney should have definitely, without question, won an award for that episode.

Clooney left ER during season 5. Julianna Margulies, who played Carol Hathaway, left in season 6, and ER was never the same. They kept bringing in all these new characters to try to '"replace" the old ones, but it was just impossible. Seasons 7 and 8 weren't too bad, but once they killed off Mark Greene in the middle of season 8, the show really started to go downhill. The only character/actor to be in all 15 seasons, besides the nurses, was Carter, played by Noah Wyle, and even he went on hiatus for the last 2 seasons.

As much as I loved it, I was glad to see it end. And what made it even better was they brought back a lot (A LOT) of the old characters in the last season, even the ones who died. It was a flashback, chill. Of all the characters that left and came back for the last season, there was: George Clooney, Julianna Margulies, Anthony Edwards, Noah Wyle, Sherry Stringfield, Eriq La Salle, Alex Kingston, Laura Innes, and Shane West. Not bad.

Want to give a little shout out to all the nurses/EMT characters/actors that were also there from the beginning: Laura Ceron, Deezer D, Yvette Freeman, Emily Wagner, Lynn Henderson, Abraham Benrubi, Lily Mariye, Montae Russell, Ellen Crawford, and Dinah Lenney. Some honorable mentions are: William H. Macy, Amy Aquino, Connie Marie Brazelton, Troy Evans, John Aylward, Demetrius Navarro, and Bellina Logan.

ER had a great run. But I'm glad its over.


There has been some talk that two major characters will die on Lost by the end of the season. The producers/writers/TPTB, have said that it will be characters that are in love with other characters on the show, and also characters that we, the audience, like.

Now. If one of the characters is Elizabeth Mitchell, I'm going to have to fight someone. But here is my theory... Elizabeth's character, Juliet, is not a character that too many fans are attached to. When she first appeared everyone, except me, hated her, but now people are "growing" to like her. And now that she is with Sawyer, I think more and more people are beginning to like her, except for maybe the Kate/Sawyer shippers. But because of this, I don't think they would kill her off. Plus, she hasn't really served her/a purpose yet as a character. She's been on since the beginning of season 3, and has yet to really "do" anything. In other words, they had to bring her character on for a reason, and so far, there hasn't really been one, or else why bring her character on at all? My only other worry about them killing off Juliet is her name. The producers, or someone, has said that her character is named after the character from Romeo and Juliet. Now, unless there is some other Romeo and Juliet that I don't know about, that Juliet kills herself. Wtf, producers. WTF? I also have yet to see the connection between the two Juliets, as well. Supposedly, the creators don't do anything unless there is a reason, so if they specifically named her Juliet for a reason, what is it? And they've said that Juliet will be in the last season, but that doesn't mean they can kill her, and then magically bring her back like they've done with some other characters. That doesn't count. All I know is they better not kill her off. I mean it.

I think that's all for now. I've rambled enough.

Until tomorrow.
