Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i really need to do this more Often

So, once again, I've been slacking on my blogger duties. It's a good thing no one really reads them, or I would feel bad. I've actually just been really busy lately. The past two weeks I've been helping friends with their student projects at school. And by student projects I mean, 5-10 min short films. Don't underestimate the power of a student project. Anyways, I've been doing that so that's kept me kinda busy, and when I wasn't doing that, I was at work. I hate work. But I only got 2 months left before I have to leave and find something else. woopee.

Dell computers and the shitty virus software that comes with them.

I've had my tell just under 3 years now, and I've had a total of 4 viruses since. WTF, Dell? Or should I say, WTF, McAfee? McAfee Virus protection can shove it! It hasn't protected me once against these viruses and it sucks. Four times I've had to reset my computer to factory settings which means losing all my files. Luckily the last two times, I've had most, not all, of my files backed up somewhere. It still really sucks though even if you do have the files backed up. What a pain in the ass. WTF, Dell and McAfee?! WTF?

Prison Break misfortune...

So, as excited as I was about Prison Break returning I have yet to actually get to sit down and watch an episode. Who's pissed? I am. For the first episode, I was at work and had to watch it with these two really, really, annoying people who wouldn't shut the F*** up! It was so annoying! And to top it off they didn't speak very good english so they kept repeating things over and over again. I can't even describe how annoying it was. So, needless-to-say, I didn't actually get to watch it. I also thought the episode started at 8pm, but it actually started at 9pm. So I naturally assumed that the second episode would start at 9pm, but no, it started at 8pm, so I missed it that one too. I'm still a little bitter about the whole situation.


Lost was a "special episode" last week, which just means it was a recap of everything we already knew. Boring. It also means, we didn't get to see Elizabeth Mitchell again. Extremely boring. But, this week's episode is the 100th episode of the series and I am guarenteed to see Elizabeth in this episode. I'm so excited. I saw a clip with her and Saywer, and they were kind of arguing so I'm a little nervous, but I think I should be okay. Also, they keep saying that the major character that's going to die is a "majorly major" character. Now, as far as I'm concerned, Juliet is not that major of a character. I mean, she only joined in season 3, and people still don't like/trust her, so for some reason I just don't think she's "major" enough to be the one killed off. Or at least not the only one. And I did already find out who one of the people was that's going to be killed off, and if that's the only person then, I wouldn't be upset. But for some reason, I don't think they will be the only one...

Table for 12 is better than Jon and Kate: Plus 8

Table for 12 is TLC's new big family reality show, and it is so good. I can't even watch Jon and Kate anymore because of it. The parents are so much cooler than Jon and Kate, well at least Kate. I hate Kate Gosselin. I always have, she was the number one reason for me not liking the show. I still watched it, but it was so hard because I just could not stand Kate. But now, I can't even watch it anymore period. After seeing how Betty and Eric Hayes treat each other, and their children, I have so much more respect for them than the Gosselins. The Gosselin kids are still cute, except for Mady, but I feel like the way they grew up, on camera, is making them spoiled and bratty. Maybe that's just me though. But I'm definitely all for the Hayes family, all 12 of them!


A crush can be the most excruciating pain in the world. When you have that crush, and you know nothing is going to happen but you have no choice but to hang around that person, it sucks. It sucks big. Why must we be tortured so?

Until tomorrow.


  1. dude, u like the lady who plays juliet? she holds her face funny lol.. i likes me some michelle rodriguez..too bad she died...thats what happens when u give it up too soon.. even if it is to cleverly steal a gun and run away....

  2. I'm mad that I just noticed this comment. Like 3 months later. And yes, I definitely love the lady who plays Juliet. Have for YEARS. But Michelle Rodriguez isn't bad either. I would take her in a heart beat. She has this badass thing going on with her... em.
