Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i hate american Idol

This season of Bones is being aired on Thursday nights at 8pm on FOX, as opposed to last year when it aired on Mondays. The only problem is FOX likes to air American Idol at that same time. Now, how in the WORLD does a network air two programs at ONCE?! The answer: they don't. Instead, they boot Bones off the air every other week so that lame ass American Idol can be on instead. WTF?! It pisses me off so much that they boot one program off so that another "better" one can be on instead. It's not even a better show, it just happens to have more ratings... supposedly. I just can't even get over it. Pissed.

Sickness and the power of OTCs

I was pretty sick most of the weekend which sucked. Thursday night I was so sick. I had a hard time breathing, plus I had a fever. And for those that know me, I don't do doctors, so I was not about to go to the doctor. Instead, I popped a Pepcid and some Motrin, let them settle and then hit the bed around 5am Friday morning. It pretty much sucked Friday too, because I had to go to work and we had so much stuff we had to do, that I don't think it helped me much. Then Saturday morning I was helping a friend with auditions and still felt pretty crappy but made it through. What can I say? I'm a trooper. I'm better now, still get headaches off and on, but that's nothing new to me. But I always say, there's nothing that can't be fixed with the proper amount of OTCs (over-the-counter drugs), certain diseases and ailments excluded, of course.

Footloose Remake

Some dumbasses with a lot of money decided they wanted to remake the classic movie Footloose, with none-other-than, Zack Efron. When I heard they were remaking the movie to begin with I was pissed, but when I heard Efron was going to be the leading man, I was livid to no extent. But... apparently Zack Efron has decided he no longer wants to do "teen musicals." Can I get a "Hallelujah!!" The whole movie relied on whether Zack Efron was going to be in it, so hopefully that means they'll scrap the idea all together. We can only hope.

Remaking Footloose is like remaking The Sound of Music or It's a Wonderful Life. You don't remake those movies! Period.

People who don't respond to messages and emails...

I don't think there is really much to say to this except, wtf? Respond to your messages. People took the time to write them to you, the least you could do is take 2 seconds to say something (anything) back. Think about it.

I guess that's all for now.

Until tomorrow.

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