Thursday, March 5, 2009

update, update, Update

So, I haven't updated my blog in over a week. It's kinda sad considering on the stuff that has gone on since last week, so its a good thing nobody actually reads this. Let's see. What has happened since last week...

The Drag King Show

I went to a drag king show last Friday with my best friends Carrie and Robbi. It was there first time going, and so much fun. I had been to drag shows before so it wasn't quite the same experience they had, but it was still a lot of fun. It was so crowded there, the most crowded I've ever seen, and it was raining that night which sucked, but it was still a lot fun and I'm so glad we went.


So, it snowed and iced this past weekend here in Georgia. I was at home, thank god, because we lost power at my apartment and I would not have been a happy camper. It was really funny though, because all week they were saying it was going to snow over the weekend and I certainly didn't believe them considering it was 65 degrees out when they said it, but I was definitely proven wrong. I got to stay at home an extra day and a half because of it, which I thoroughly enjoyed! The worst part wasn't the snow though, it was the ice. When I got back to my apartment Tuesday night, I slipped and fell and hurt my knee pretty bad. It's in the healing process but still hurts pretty bad. Hopefully the bruise doesn't stay there forever like my softball one. Anyway, don't think we'll see another snow storm in the near future though. It's suppose to be 70 degrees this weekend. But who knows...

The L Word

The L Word sucked as usual this past weekend, which is really a shame considering it was the second to last episode EVER. I think I said something to that effect last week too, and of course, nothing changed. My comments for this week:

1) Still hate Jamie. And I know I said this last time, but I hate her even more now. I'm just so tired of seeing her character. And even worse is that I can't see Tasha and Alice without seeing her too. I understand if they wanna try to make them look really close, but they can't honestly (HONESTLY) be spending all their time together. Why can't we just see Tasha and Alice by themselves for one more time before Alice gets shipped off to jail for killing Jenny.

2) Alice is going to jail for killing Jenny. Ok, I know that didn't actually happen yet, but the synopsis for Leisha Hailey's (Alice) new spin-off, is that she is sent to jail for murdering Jenny Schecter. Really? REALLY?!! WTF?! Who in the world would ever believe that Alice Pieszecki, one of the sweetest people EVER, would murder Jenny Schecter? Accidental killing, maybe. But murder. Why on earth would you ruin a character like that? It just doesn't make any sense. It's bad enough how much they ruined Jenny's character in the last season, but now they are going to F*** with one of the most beloved characters of the entire show...again. (See Dana killing episodes) It just doesn't make sense. At all.

3) Jenny is even more crazy. It's almost like someone has taken over her body and is producing this evil being. I don't really know what else to say about that.

4) Jodi was in this episode. I hate Jodi. Enough said.

On a happier note....

Jennifer Beals looked absolutely stunning this episode. I love when her character doesn't have all that amour on and is trying to be all macho and cold. She got to let loose this episode and it was fun to see. And the dance she did with Laurel Holloman was hot.

I'm happy, and sad, to see The L Word end. What was once a great show, is ending terribly. And the worst part is, it didn't have to. Unlike other shows that just run out of steam after being on the air for so long, this one could have ended GREAT. It's like the writers just didn't care anymore and did whatever they felt like, screw the audience and fans. It just sad.

Movie of the week (since I've seen one every weekend for the last month)

Saw Slumdog Millionaire, again, for the third time this past weekend. Still absolutely amazing.

Elizabeth Mitchell and Lost

So, for a while I decided to give up on the show Lost, but then one of my absolute favorite actress joined the cast in season 3. I have been watching Elizabeth Mitchell since I was 12. I first saw her in Gia, and instead of looking at Angelina Jolie like the rest of the world, I was looking at Elizabeth Mitchell. I found her intriguing. I kind of forgot about her until I saw her again on ER as Dr. Kim Legaspi. Then around that same time she was in the movie Frequency (as a brunette, but that's ok) and I just fell in love with her all over again. She is one of the best actresses out there, but has never been fully recognized until she joined Lost, which is a shame. She was in the pretty successful The Santa Clause 2, with Tim Allen, but never was a true household name, I don't think, until Lost. The only, and I mean ONLY, reason I am currently watching Lost is because of Elizabeth Mitchell. I would worry every episode that they were going to kill her off, and I would have to stop watching. When her character first came appeared everybody hated her, but not me. I loved her! I was so excited to see her on a big show like Lost so she could get her name out there.

The point of all this is that on last night's episode my dream came true. I fully predicted last night's episode over a month ago. Juliet (Elizabeth) and Sawyer are now a couple, three years after the other people left the island. And I so called it. I don't know if they were trying to make it a surprise by not letting us see them together until the end of the episode, but I knew it was coming eventually. Their chemisty was so obvious.

Now. If, the powers that be over at ABC want to keep a fan happy (and watching), they break this couple up. At the end of the episode we see Sawyer reunite with Kate, but I don't care about her. I don't know how long Sawyer and Juliet have been a couple, but they've been living together for the last 3 years. Sawyer and Kate only knew each other for a couple of months. It was lust at first sight. I dare the producers to f*** with this couple, and my emotions, and have Sawyer go back to Kate. I dare them even more to kill off Elizabeth Mitchell, because if they do, it will not be a pretty sight come Thursday, after the show. Do not mess with Juliet and Sawyer! Thank you.


So, I'm going to LA for "Spring Break" (even though I'm no longer in school) next week, and I absolutely can't wait. It's going to be the biggest TELE Kids reunion since we all split up last December. I'm so excited. Plus, I get to see one of my Lost World buddies while I'm there. I can't even begin to show how excited I am. It's going to be so much fun!

I think that's all I got for now.

Note to self: This is why I need to update more frequently.

Until tomorrow.

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