Monday, February 23, 2009

the weekend, the l word, and Milk

So, this past week, and weekend were pretty uneventful. Friday night was spent at work until 4am. I got there at 2pm. It was exhausting. I don't think I woke up until 4pm the next day, which was kind of nice. Other than that my weekend was kinda chill. Got to see my old friend Ashley, too, which was also nice. We we're suppose to have lunch but she dumped me for another woman... All good though!

The L Word

The L Word was... weak. Again. I feel like the episode get worse every week. I do now officially hate Jenny. I just don't get her anymore. I feel like her character more than any other has changed this season. Maybe its because she's going to die, I don't know. I use to understand why she did what she did before but now, I just don't get it. I don't get where this character is coming from. Here's my list of things that stood out to me:

1) Still hate Jamie. A lot. Maybe even more than before now. Why, oh why, oh why is she there?! It was nice to finally see Alice and Tasha get it on again though. I don't think they've had sex since season 4.

2) Alice and Tasha got it on again. Done.

3) Jenny really, really, really got on my nerves this episode. Like I said, more than ever this time. Just don't get it. She doesn't even see what she's doing, and if she does and is doing it on purpose, than that makes it even worse. I understand she does some things on purpose for attention, but this episode just exploded.

4) Enjoyed the Bette, Tina, Wizzie (or whatever her name was) moments.

Overall, I'm still just amazed this is the final season. I watched Liz Feldman on AE today, and Rose Rollins (Tasha) was the guest. Liz asked her if she was sad the show was ending and she said "No." She said she felt that the show some what betrayed the characters for the final season. It just wasn't good. Now if the actress on the show doesn't think it was good, then what are we, the fans, suppose to think. I mean really.


Went and saw Milk this past Sunday and it was absolutely amazing. I knew what was going to happen at the end, and I told myself I wasn't going to cry, but I still teared up anyways. The movie was very well put together, and the acting was outstanding. I never saw Sean Penn, the actor, I saw Harvey Milk. He did an excellent job and defintely deserved the Oscar.

That reminds me! The Oscars were last night. Hugh Jackman was the host, and I personally thought he did a fantastic job. He was funny, sincere, and just did a great job. I felt the awards were a little long this year, but I like the little things that made it that way. I loved when they brought out the 5 past winners for the Supporting Actor/Actress, and Best Actor/Actress categories. That was really cool to see them all get to present.

And Slumdog Millionaire won Best Picture which was exciting. They won quite a few other awards which they fully deserved. Kate Winslet finally won her Oscar, also deserved. And I'm not just saying that cause I like her either. I thought the movie she was in sucked but her performance was fantastic. And I don't always agree with who wins that category either, just take a look at Halle Berry winning for Monster's Ball. I hated that movie AND her performance. All in all, though, good show I thought.

Until tomorrow.

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