Monday, February 9, 2009

the grammys and the l Word

The Grammys were last night, and from what I got to watch, they weren't bad. Apparently, I missed what was bad so I'm not too upset about that. The best part of the Grammys was that my musical In The Heights won Best Musical Show Album. Big congrats to the cast!!

Some of the performance I saw were pretty good too. I loved the Al Greene, JT, Keith Urban, Boyz II Men, intro. The Grammys had a lot of oldies music going on, which of course I appreciated. I'm not sad that I missed Miley or the Jo(Blo) Bros. They annoy me, and I don't think they can sing. There I said it. Done.

The Grammys were all right this year. I didn't agree with some...a lot, of the winners but the only one that truly mattered went my way. Go see the Tony and Grammy winning musical In The Heights.

On to The L Word...

We're half way through the final season of The L Word, and I'm not the impressed. Especially after last night's episode. It wasn't a bad episode, but it didn't feel like it was the 4th of only 8 in the series finale. I felt like that episode could have been anywhere in the series and had the same impact. Which was none.

First, Rose Rollins was absolutely gorgeous, as usual. She seemed to be glowing a little bit to me in this episode. Maybe she just looked happy for once. I don't know.

Second, not a fan of Jamie. I didn't mind Jamie in last week's episode, but that was before Alice and Tasha started to like her. It's funny though. You can tell that both Alice and Tasha have a thing for her, and not in just a friendly way, but what they like about her is what they like about each other. What I mean is, Jamie is basically a complete combination of the two characters. Complete! She is the differences of Tasha and Alice in one person. What do I think it means? It means that Alice and Tasha are perfect for each other and Ilene needs to stop playing and keep them together! Done.

Third, fan of Marcy. I really liked the story with Bette and Tina this episode. Especially whenever they were around Marcy. I liked the part when Marcy's father asked if they were married and Bette's response when she found out he meant to a man. Classic, and well played by Ms. Beals.

I was soooooo happy I didn't have to see Jodi in this episode. I am so over her character. I NEVER liked her character to begin with. Ever. She was on this show way too long in my opinion. It wasn't Marlee Matlin, I don't mind her, but I hated her character.

I thought Shane was going to beat the shit out of Jenny for changing her room. I would have. Jenny is so clueless. I know a lot of people hate her character but actually don't. At least I haven't yet. The most I've ever come to hating her was actually in last week's episode. It was when Alice came over and Jenny was giving her "advice" for her treatment. I was ready to jump through the screen and punch her for what she was saying. But at the same time, it was just Jenny being Jenny. She was trying to protect herself. But I still hated her there.
*And btw, the scene before that was by far my favorite scene. Well, after Alice and Tasha first have sex, but other that that it was my favorite. Leisha Hailey played that scene so well. It was perfect. Her face. Her reactions. Priceless.*

Overall, not impressed with this season. I will be even less impressed when they break-up Alice and Tasha. But I know its going to happen so I'm just trying to brace myself for it. Long live Talice!

I know this was a long one today, so forgive me, but it was a long Sunday.

Until tomorrow.

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