Monday, February 23, 2009

the weekend, the l word, and Milk

So, this past week, and weekend were pretty uneventful. Friday night was spent at work until 4am. I got there at 2pm. It was exhausting. I don't think I woke up until 4pm the next day, which was kind of nice. Other than that my weekend was kinda chill. Got to see my old friend Ashley, too, which was also nice. We we're suppose to have lunch but she dumped me for another woman... All good though!

The L Word

The L Word was... weak. Again. I feel like the episode get worse every week. I do now officially hate Jenny. I just don't get her anymore. I feel like her character more than any other has changed this season. Maybe its because she's going to die, I don't know. I use to understand why she did what she did before but now, I just don't get it. I don't get where this character is coming from. Here's my list of things that stood out to me:

1) Still hate Jamie. A lot. Maybe even more than before now. Why, oh why, oh why is she there?! It was nice to finally see Alice and Tasha get it on again though. I don't think they've had sex since season 4.

2) Alice and Tasha got it on again. Done.

3) Jenny really, really, really got on my nerves this episode. Like I said, more than ever this time. Just don't get it. She doesn't even see what she's doing, and if she does and is doing it on purpose, than that makes it even worse. I understand she does some things on purpose for attention, but this episode just exploded.

4) Enjoyed the Bette, Tina, Wizzie (or whatever her name was) moments.

Overall, I'm still just amazed this is the final season. I watched Liz Feldman on AE today, and Rose Rollins (Tasha) was the guest. Liz asked her if she was sad the show was ending and she said "No." She said she felt that the show some what betrayed the characters for the final season. It just wasn't good. Now if the actress on the show doesn't think it was good, then what are we, the fans, suppose to think. I mean really.


Went and saw Milk this past Sunday and it was absolutely amazing. I knew what was going to happen at the end, and I told myself I wasn't going to cry, but I still teared up anyways. The movie was very well put together, and the acting was outstanding. I never saw Sean Penn, the actor, I saw Harvey Milk. He did an excellent job and defintely deserved the Oscar.

That reminds me! The Oscars were last night. Hugh Jackman was the host, and I personally thought he did a fantastic job. He was funny, sincere, and just did a great job. I felt the awards were a little long this year, but I like the little things that made it that way. I loved when they brought out the 5 past winners for the Supporting Actor/Actress, and Best Actor/Actress categories. That was really cool to see them all get to present.

And Slumdog Millionaire won Best Picture which was exciting. They won quite a few other awards which they fully deserved. Kate Winslet finally won her Oscar, also deserved. And I'm not just saying that cause I like her either. I thought the movie she was in sucked but her performance was fantastic. And I don't always agree with who wins that category either, just take a look at Halle Berry winning for Monster's Ball. I hated that movie AND her performance. All in all, though, good show I thought.

Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the weekend, the l word, & the Reader

So, this weekend I went home to see my mom and my animals. I LOVE going home to see them. I miss them all the time. It was Valentine's Day weekend too, so I took my mom to see Slumdog Millionaire. Yes, I have now paid to see it twice. It was just that good. I really wanted her to see it. And some how, it was even better than the first time I saw it. It was like I got to experience it in a completely different way this time. It was great. Also, at home, my mom and I made brisket, and it was sooo good! My grandma use to make it all the time, and I hated it when I was a kid, but now I love it. So good! And I hung out with my animals, Faline (Beanie), Niquee, Missy, Midget, Bob, Otter and Twin (Princess Fluffy Long Tail). I love them to death. I wish I could bring my Niquee up to Athens with me, but its just too darn expensive to have a pet here. I think she would like it though. She's a loner kitty and needs to be by herself. Anyways, that was the weekend.

Wait, I forgot to mention I got "food poisoning" over the weekend. I took my mom to one of our favorite restaurants for V-Day, and they cooked wax paper into my food. I got sick after 2-3 bites, and didn't realize it was the food. I took it home, thinking the food was okay, and that it was just me, and then the next day, started eating it, got sick again, and then saw the wax paper cooked into the food. It was not a good experience at all. So, don't eat wax paper, ok?

The L Word...

This week's L Word was okay... I thought it was better than last week's, but still not worthy of a series finale season. Several things...

1) Love, love, love Leisha Hailey. She is brilliant. She's the first person of the 5 people to say they hate Jenny, that I actually believe would kill her on the spot. She was fantastic this entire episode. Well, she's pretty good every episode, but still. I loved it.

2) Hate, hate, hate the character Jamie. "I hate Uncle Jamie!" (Sorry, had to throw that in there. It's one of my favorite lines from the movie Love Actually) They need to get her out of the picture, and quick. She's trying to break up Tasha and Alice, even though not on purpose, and it's driving me nuts! Every time I see them together, I get pissed. Long Live Talice!

3) Jenny really is crazy.

4) Not near enough Rose Rollins this episode. It was 30-minutes in before we even got to see her, and then she only had about 2 lines the entire episode. Not cool.

Overall, I don't have much of a general opinion of this episode. It was just okay. "LMFAO" has by far been the best episode of the season, and nothing is even coming close to comparing to it. The preview for next week looks really good though, so I'm hoping for something from that one.

The Reader

Went and saw The Reader last night. Twas not good. The acting was pretty good, and Kate Winslet did do a fantastic job, but the story was just not there. It was long, slow, and boring. Not much to even say about it really. We left the movie laughing, and it definitely was not a comedy. Yeah... not so good. Probably won't be taking the parental to see that one anytime soon.

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

my life so Far...

So, I haven't been around for a couple of days, and I'm not really sure why. It's not like I have that much to do. I go to work, come home, eat, sleep, and repeat. I've got all these things on my mind though, things I want to be doing, but I feel like I'm not in the right place to do them. I don't know. And I'm still looking for a job. Any job. I've been applying to companies all over the place. But nothings come up yet. Too bad the economy is in such a shit hole...

But at least today is Thursday, and we know what that means. Thursday Night TV! Can't wait.

Until tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2009

the grammys and the l Word

The Grammys were last night, and from what I got to watch, they weren't bad. Apparently, I missed what was bad so I'm not too upset about that. The best part of the Grammys was that my musical In The Heights won Best Musical Show Album. Big congrats to the cast!!

Some of the performance I saw were pretty good too. I loved the Al Greene, JT, Keith Urban, Boyz II Men, intro. The Grammys had a lot of oldies music going on, which of course I appreciated. I'm not sad that I missed Miley or the Jo(Blo) Bros. They annoy me, and I don't think they can sing. There I said it. Done.

The Grammys were all right this year. I didn't agree with some...a lot, of the winners but the only one that truly mattered went my way. Go see the Tony and Grammy winning musical In The Heights.

On to The L Word...

We're half way through the final season of The L Word, and I'm not the impressed. Especially after last night's episode. It wasn't a bad episode, but it didn't feel like it was the 4th of only 8 in the series finale. I felt like that episode could have been anywhere in the series and had the same impact. Which was none.

First, Rose Rollins was absolutely gorgeous, as usual. She seemed to be glowing a little bit to me in this episode. Maybe she just looked happy for once. I don't know.

Second, not a fan of Jamie. I didn't mind Jamie in last week's episode, but that was before Alice and Tasha started to like her. It's funny though. You can tell that both Alice and Tasha have a thing for her, and not in just a friendly way, but what they like about her is what they like about each other. What I mean is, Jamie is basically a complete combination of the two characters. Complete! She is the differences of Tasha and Alice in one person. What do I think it means? It means that Alice and Tasha are perfect for each other and Ilene needs to stop playing and keep them together! Done.

Third, fan of Marcy. I really liked the story with Bette and Tina this episode. Especially whenever they were around Marcy. I liked the part when Marcy's father asked if they were married and Bette's response when she found out he meant to a man. Classic, and well played by Ms. Beals.

I was soooooo happy I didn't have to see Jodi in this episode. I am so over her character. I NEVER liked her character to begin with. Ever. She was on this show way too long in my opinion. It wasn't Marlee Matlin, I don't mind her, but I hated her character.

I thought Shane was going to beat the shit out of Jenny for changing her room. I would have. Jenny is so clueless. I know a lot of people hate her character but actually don't. At least I haven't yet. The most I've ever come to hating her was actually in last week's episode. It was when Alice came over and Jenny was giving her "advice" for her treatment. I was ready to jump through the screen and punch her for what she was saying. But at the same time, it was just Jenny being Jenny. She was trying to protect herself. But I still hated her there.
*And btw, the scene before that was by far my favorite scene. Well, after Alice and Tasha first have sex, but other that that it was my favorite. Leisha Hailey played that scene so well. It was perfect. Her face. Her reactions. Priceless.*

Overall, not impressed with this season. I will be even less impressed when they break-up Alice and Tasha. But I know its going to happen so I'm just trying to brace myself for it. Long live Talice!

I know this was a long one today, so forgive me, but it was a long Sunday.

Until tomorrow.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

happy birthday janet Dacal


Today is Janet Dacal's birthday, so I just wanted to wish her the biggest happy birthday ever.

For those who don't know her, you need to get to know her. She plays Carla in the amazing Broadway musical "In The Heights." It's a fantastic musical and everyone should go see it. It takes place in Washington Heights, NY and follows the main character, Usnavi, on hot day in July. The cast is outstanding, as is the music. It has a very urban feel to it that will make you want to get up and start dancing. Definitely go check it out. It's in New York at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in Manhattan.

If you can't make it to NY, check out their myspace page. It'll give you some of the sights and sounds that is "In The Heights."

Until tomorrow.

slumdog millionaire is Amazing

So, I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire last night with my friends. I went in to the movie with sort of low expectations. I knew it had won best film (drama) at SAG and the Golden Globes, but award show don't mean much to me anymore. There are plenty of movies that have won best film that I thought sucked, so I was a little nervous going into this one thinking it was all just hype.

Was I ever wrong!

This film was absolutely AMAZING! No doubt one of the best movies I've seen ever, especially in recent years. It way exceeded my expectations. I figured it would be good, but had no idea it would be that good. Everyone should definitely go see it. And please support it by seeing it in the movie theatre and not watching a bootleg version. It's definitely worth the money to see it!

The acting was amazing, especially by the little kids. We see the three main characters in three stages of their lives, 6-7 years old, 13-14, and later around 18-19. The child who played the main character Jamal (Ayush Mahesh Khedekar) at his youngest age was outstanding. He deserves some major kudos on this one. And the actors who played the oldest Jamal (Dev Patel) and Latika (Frieda Pinto) were fantastic, as well.

It's an amazing film! Go see it!

Until tomorrow.

Friday, February 6, 2009

and the winner is girl Talk

Congrats to my college professor Jennifer Smith for winning's Short Film Contest. Her film Girl Talk beat out 5 other short films in the contest. Congrats Jenn Smith!

Until tomorrow.

i love thursday Nights

Thursday night TV is the best. All my favorite shows are on. None of them overlap, at least not any more. And most importantly, I get to see Gabrielle Anwar in a sarong and bikini.

We start the night with Bones at 8. I am a big Bones fan but didn't actually start watching it until last summer, but I'm all caught up on the eps now so I consider myself a true Bones fan. The show is so well written, and the chemistry from the actors is really good. And Emily Deschanel is hot.

This episode we finally find out who the Grave Digger is and it turns out to be a woman. And a lame one at that. I wasn't that excited to find out who it was. I actually thought that part of the story lacked something. I mean we've seen this character a couple times before and then all of a sudden we know who it is because of some broken ribs. Come on.

But the episode itself was really good. Booth gets kidnapped by the Grave Digger and then with the help of a ghost escapes. Sounds cheesy but it was good.

At 9, we have Grey's Anatomy. It use to be CSI but with the departure of Jorja Fox and William Petersen, there just really isn't that much there anymore. That actually leads to one of my biggest rants. I HATE when main characters leave a show and they try to continue with the show as if its the same. It's not. Stop the show while your still ahead. Please.

Anyways, Grey's was really good. Two things that annoyed me:

1) Bailey. Chandra Wilson can't act. She's bad. She over acts the hell out of her character. It's annoying, and everytime she is on screen all I can think about is her bad acting.

2) Well, I guess there was only one thing.

I loved the end when Dr. Arizona Robbins kisses Torres. I liked Jessica Capshaw (Robbins) since the first time she appeared on the show, and had no idea she was going to be gay. But I liked her approach last night. Should be interesting. If they actually keep her character that is. TV has this thing about lesbians being on shown. They don't like them, and its really annoying.

The cross-over with Private Practice should be interesting. I use to watch PP last year but hadn't been able to get into it this year, which is really a shame. Three words: Kate Walsh hotness. That's all I have to say about that.

The most important part of Thursday night television is what happens at 10 on USA Network. BURN NOTICE! Burn Notice is one of the best new shows I've seen in a while. It is so clever and the acting is stellar. And what I really like, besides Gabrielle Anwar, is that they didn't go looking for these big-named, young stars. I think the youngest cast member is 39. They got actors who can act, despite their age. It's a nice change. Did I mention how hot Gabrielle Anwar is? Well, she is.

Overall, it was a good Thursday night on TV. I look forward to next week.

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

the First

Today is my first day of blogging online. I usually write things to myself just on my computer, but thought I would give this a try. I'm not expecting people to read it, or care, but wanted to try something new. A little about myself. I just graduated from the University of Georgia. I majored in Telecommunications, aka Film and Television Production. UGA has this weird reason for calling it something it's not, but whatever. I like movies, tv, and the good music. I'm shy but I talk a lot around my friends. I'm mostly a ranter, so I'll probably be spending most of my time ranting about useless things.

So, to start it off, I'm going to rant about the girls I see walking around on campus with short skirts in 20 degree weather. Do I really need to say more? They know it's cold. We know, they know it's cold. My rule is: If you can see your breath, we shouldn't be seeing your legs. Now, I'm all for a short skirt in the spring or summer, maybe even early fall, but not the middle of winter. Cover it up, ladies. Cover it up. It's not cute, and it makes you look stupid. I promise it does. We think your stupid for wearing next to nothing in the middle of winter. Just don't.

I think that's a good place to begin and end for the first day.

Until tomorrow.